Tag Archives: Financial

Behavioral Forensics Group Rides West (NACVA)

Inaugural Education Program for the Behavioral Forensics Group   (Daven Morrison with Jack Bigelow, Vic Hartman and Joe Koletar) Last month we spent a weekend with the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) in San Diego. In our inaugural Behavioral Forensics Group seminar our team had the delightful opportunity to share our concepts and […]

A.B.C.’s of Behavioral Forensics: Applying Psychology to Financial Fraud Prevention and Detection

Get practical insights on the psychology of white-collar criminals—and how to outsmart them Understand how the psychologies of fraudsters and their victims interact as well as what makes auditors/investigators/regulators let down their guard. Learn about the psychology of fraud victims, including boards of directors and senior management, and what makes them want to believe fraudsters, […]